Banda Band
Hemm 2 verżjonijiet ta' dan is-sinjal. Agħfas il-buttuni hawn taħt biex tara l-istampi, il-kitba u l-vidjows.
There are 2 versions of this sign. Use the butttons below to view the photographs, signwriting and videos.
Hemm sinjali diversi għal BANDA. L-ewwel sinjal għandu żewġ partijiet. (i) L-ewwel parti tixbaħ is-sinjal għal strument mużikali tan-nifs. L-idejn jieħdu l-forma ta’ 5 miftuħa u stirata. Id waħda titqiegħed quddiem il-ħalq qisu qed iżomm l-istrument, bil-werrej qrib is-saba’ l-kbir u bil-pala tħares laġenba. L-id l-oħra titqiegħed livell mal-qadd bil-pala tħares laġenba. (ii) It-tieni parti tixbaħ is-sinjal għal PLATTINI (mużikali). L-idejn it-tnejn jagħmlu ponn, jiġifieri jieħdu l-forma ta’ A, u jimxu mill-ġenb estrem għan nofs mingħajr ma jmissu, qishom qed iżommu u jdoqqu l-plattini.
It-tieni sinjal juża biss it-tieni parti tal-ewwel sinjal. Hemm varjazzjonijiet oħra ukoll.
There are various signs for BAND. The first sign has two parts. (i) The first part resembles the sign for a wind instrument. Both hands take the shape of open stretched-out 5. One hand is placed in front of the mouth with the index finger close to the thumb and the palm facing sideways, as though holding a wind instrument. The other hand is placed at about waist level with palm facing sideways. (ii) The second part resembles the sign for CYMBALS. Both hands move from the extreme side in the shape of a fist, that is the shape of A, until they come close but do not touch, as though they were playing the cymbals.
The second sign uses only the second part of the first sign. There are other versions too.