Kunċett Concept Kategorija Category Varjanti Variants
alcohol (alcohol) ikel (food) 1
ananas (pineapple) ikel (food) 1
avocado (avocado) ikel (food) 1
bacon (bacon) ikel (food) 1
banana (banana) ikel (food) 1
basla (jew basal) (onion(s)) ikel (food) 1
bettieħ(a) (melon(s)) ikel (food) 1
bettieħ(a) (melon(s)) ikel (food) 1
birra (beer) ikel (food) 1
biskuttini (biscuits (local)) ikel (food) 1
brodu (broth) ikel (food) 1
brunġiel (aubergine) ikel (food) 0
brunġiel (aubergine) ikel (food) 0
brunġiel (aubergine or eggplant) ikel (food) 1
burger tat-tiġieġ (chicken burger) ikel (food) 1
burger tat-tiġieġ (chicken burger) ikel (food) 1
butir (butter) ikel (food) 1
bżar (pepper) ikel (food) 1
bżar aħdar (green pepper) ikel (food) 1
bżar aħmar (ħelu) (red pepper (capiscum)) ikel (food) 1
bżar isfar (yellow pepper) ikel (food) 1
bżar oranġjo (orange pepper) ikel (food) 1
ċanga (beef) ikel (food) 1
ċanga (beef) ikel (food) 1
capuċċino (capuccino) ikel (food) 1
cereal (cereal) ikel (food) 2
chips (patata chips) (chips (or french fries)) ikel (food) 1
ċikkulata (chocolate) ikel (food) 1
ċikkulata (chocolate) ikel (food) 1
ċikkulata (chocolate) ikel (food) 1
ċirasa (cherry) ikel (food) 1
cocktail (cocktail) ikel (food) 1
corn on the cob (corn on the cob) ikel (food) 1
dulliegħ(a) (watermelon(s)) ikel (food) 1
faqqiegħ(a) (mushrooom(s)) ikel (food) 0
faqqiegħ(a) (mushroom(s)) ikel (food) 1
frawli (strawberries) ikel (food) 1
froġa (omelette) ikel (food) 1
frott (fruit) ikel (food) 1
ftira (ftira (local bread ring)) ikel (food) 1
fusilli (fusilli) ikel (food) 1
galletta (water biscuit) ikel (food) 1
gallettina (biscuit) ikel (food) 1
ġamm (jam) ikel (food) 1
ġelat (icecream) ikel (food) 1
għaġin (pasta) ikel (food) 1
għasel (honey) ikel (food) 1
għeneb (grape(s)) ikel (food) 1
ġobon (cheese) ikel (food) 1
ħalib (milk) ikel (food) 1
ħall (vinegar) ikel (food) 1
hamburger (hamburger) ikel (food) 1
ħawħ(a) (peach(es)) ikel (food) 1
ħaxix (vegetables) ikel (food) 2
ħelu (sweet) ikel (food) 7
ħelu (sweet) ikel (food) 7
ħjar(a) (cucumber(s)) ikel (food) 1
ħobż wholemeal jew skur (wholemeal bread) ikel (food) 1
ikel (food) ikel (food) 1
ilma (water) ikel (food) 1
ilma bil-gass (sparkling water) ikel (food) 1
inbid (wine) ikel (food) 1
insalata (salad) ikel (food) 1
jelly (jelly) ikel (food) 1
kaboċċa (cabbage) ikel (food) 1
kafè (coffee) ikel (food) 1
karrotta jew zunnarija (carrot) ikel (food) 1
kebab (kebab) ikel (food) 1
kejk (cake) ikel (food) 1
kinnie (kinnie) ikel (food) 1
kiwi (kiwi) ikel (food) 1
koka (jew coca cola) (coca cola (or coke)) ikel (food) 1
laħam (meat) ikel (food) 1
lanġas(a) (pear(s)) ikel (food) 1
larinġa (orange) ikel (food) 1
lasagna (lasagna) ikel (food) 2
lumi(ja) (lemon(s)) ikel (food) 1
majjal (pork) ikel (food) 1
mandolin(a) (mandarin orange(s)) ikel (food) 1
melħ (salt) ikel (food) 1
milkshake (milkshake) ikel (food) 1
mortadella (bologna sausage) ikel (food) 1
mozzarella (mozzarella) ikel (food) 1
mqarrun (baked macaroni) ikel (food) 1
mustarda (mustard) ikel (food) 1
orange juice (orange juice) ikel (food) 2
pasta (ħelwa) (cream cake) ikel (food) 1
pastarda (cauliflower) ikel (food) 1
patata (potato(es)) ikel (food) 1
patata l-forn (roast potatoes) ikel (food) 1
penne (penne) ikel (food) 1
perżut (ham) ikel (food) 1
pitta bread (pitta bread) ikel (food) 1
pizza (pizza) ikel (food) 2
popcorn (popcorn) ikel (food) 1
punch (punch) ikel (food) 1
qaqoċċ (globe artichokes) ikel (food) 1
ravjul (ravioli) ikel (food) 1
rkotta (ricotta) ikel (food) 1
ross (rice) ikel (food) 1
ross il-forn (baked rice) ikel (food) 1
salami (salami) ikel (food) 2
salamun (salmon) ikel (food) 1
sandwich (sandwich) ikel (food) 1
sauce (sauce) ikel (food) 1
seven up (luminata tfexfex) (seven up (fizzy lemonade)) ikel (food) 1
shot(s) (shot(s)) ikel (food) 1
soppa (soup) ikel (food) 1
spaghetti (spaghetti) ikel (food) 1
spare ribs (spare ribs) ikel (food) 1
spinaċi (spinach) ikel (food) 1
sushi (sushi) ikel (food) 1
sweet and sour (sweet and sour) ikel (food) 1
tadam(a) (tomato(es)) ikel (food) 1
tè (tea) ikel (food) 1
tonn taż-żejt (tuna) ikel (food) 1
tortellini (tortellini) ikel (food) 1
tuffieħ(a) (apple(s)) ikel (food) 1
tursin (parsley) ikel (food) 1
vodka (vodka) ikel (food) 1
whisky (whisky) ikel (food) 1
whisky (whisky) ikel (food) 1
wrap (wrap) ikel (food) 1
yogurt (yogurt) ikel (food) 2
zalzett (sausage) ikel (food) 1
żebbuġ (olives) ikel (food) 2
żejt (oil) ikel (food) 1
zokkor (sugar) ikel (food) 1