Bulgarija Bulgaria
Hemm 2 verżjonijiet ta' dan is-sinjal. Agħfas il-buttuni hawn taħt biex tara l-istampi, il-kitba u l-vidjows.
There are 2 versions of this sign. Use the butttons below to view the photographs, signwriting and videos.
Hemm żewġ sinjali għal BULGARIJA. L-ewwel sinjal isir b’id waħda bil-ponot tal-ewwel tlett iswaba’ imissu u bil-pala tħares ’l isfel livell mal-ġbin. Is-swaba’ jinżlu u jogħlew xi tlett darbiet mill-polz mingħajr ma timxi l-id.
It-tieni sinjal isir b’id waħda li tieħu l-forma ta’ K milwija bil-pala ta’ l-id tħares ’l isfel. L-id timxi minn mill-ġenb tal ħalq lura għall-ġenb. Waqt li l-id tersaq lura, tintlewa mill-polz u s-swaba jiltaqgħu.
There are two signs for BULGARIA. The first sign is made with one hand with the first three fingers touching. The arm is lifted straight up from the elbow to forehead level and moves down and up about three times from the wrist without moving away.
The second sign is made with one hand that takes the shape of bent K with palm facing downwards. The hand moves back from the side of the mouth. As the hand moves back the hand bends from the wrist and the fingers touch.