Eżami tad-demm (jew eżamina d-demm) Blood test (or tested his or her blood)
Hemm verżjoni waħda ta' dan is-sinjal. Agħfas il-buttuni hawn taħt biex tara l-istampi, il-kitba u l-vidjow.
There is one version of this sign. Use the butttons below to view the photographs, signwriting and video.
Is-sinjal għal EŻAMI TAD-DEMM għandu żewġ partijiet. (i) L-ewwel isir is-sinjal imqassar għal DEMM. Id-waħda forma ta’ D jew ta’ 1 u titla ’l fuq biex il-werrej jimxi min-naħa għall-oħra taħt ix-xufftejn. (ii) Fit-tieni parti jsir is-sinjal imqassar għal EŻAMINA. Id waħda tieħu l-forma ta’ 1 bil-pala tħares lejn il-ġenb. Il-werrej imiss taħt l-għajn u l-id mill-ewwel tibdel il-forma għal dik ta’ Y u titbandal kemm kemm waqt li tinżel ’l isfel. Il-moviment iqsar u r-ras ma tmilx ’il quddiem bħal fis-sinjal għal EŻAMINA.
The sign for BLOOD TEST has two parts. (i) The first part is the shortened version of the sign for BLOOD. One hand takes the shape of D or of 1 and moves up so that the index finger moves from one side to the other under the lips. (ii) The second part is the shortened sign for EXAMINE. This is made with one hand that takes the shape of 1 with the palm facing sideways as the index touches just under the eye. The hand immediately moves into a Y shape and swings slightly as it moves downwards. The movement is shorter and the head does not bend forwards as in the sign for EXAMINE.