Fiduċjuż Hopeful
Hemm 2 verżjonijiet ta' dan is-sinjal. Agħfas il-buttuni hawn taħt biex tara l-istampi, il-kitba u l-vidjows.
There are 2 versions of this sign. Use the butttons below to view the photographs, signwriting and videos.
Is-sinjal għal FIDUĊJUŻ(A) għandu żewġ partijiet. (i) L-ewwel isir is-sinjal għal FDAT(A) b’id waħda li tieħu l-forma ta’ L kkurvat li timxi ’l fuq sa’ fuq il-ġenb tar-ras imbagħad iddur u tinżel ’l isfel mal-ġenb bħal fis-sinjal għal PERSUNA. (ii) Imbagħad l-id tinbidel għall-forma ta’ 1 u tipponta ’l barra lejn il-ġenb. Kultant isir is-sinjal għal JIEN fil-bidu bil-werrej jipponta ’l ġewwa.
The sign for HOPEFUL has two parts. (i) First the sign for TRUSTWORTHY is made with one hand in the shape of curved L that moves up to the side of the top of the head and then turns and goes down at the side with palm facing outwards as in the sign for PERSON. (ii) Then the hand changes to the shape of 1 and points outwards and to the side. Occasionally the sign is preceded by the sign for I by pointing inwards with the index finger.