Għamara Furniture

Hemm verżjoni waħda ta' dan is-sinjal. Agħfas il-buttuni hawn taħt biex tara l-istampi, il-kitba u l-vidjow.

There is one version of this sign. Use the butttons below to view the photographs, signwriting and video.

  • Sketch
    Stampi, kitba u vidjow 1
    Pictures, signwriting and video 1

Is-sinjal għal GĦAMARA għandu żewġ partijiet. (i) L-ewwel isir is-sinjal għal OĠĠETTI. L-idejn jieħdu l-forma ta’ 5 bis-swaba’ mifrudin u bil-pala tħares ’il ġewwa. L-idejn iduru vertikalment, id wara id. (ii) Imbagħad isir is-sinjal għal DAR b’id waħda li tieħu l-forma ta’ 5 milwi mill-għekiesi biex l-id tifforma angolu rett. Il-pala tal-id tħares ’l isfel. L-id titqiegħed fil-ġenb fil-livell tar-ras u s-swaba’ jħarsu lejn il-ġenb. L-id timxi ftit ’il quddiem fl-istess livell.

The sign for FURNITURE has two parts. (i) First, the sign for OBJECTS is made. The hands take the shape of 5 with fingers apart and palms facing inwards. They then rotate vertically, one hand after the other. (ii) Then the sign for HOUSE is made with one hand in the shape of 5 bent at the knuckles such that it forms a right angle. The palm faces downwards. The hand is placed at the side of the head with the fingers pointing towards the side. The hand then moves forward a little at the same level.