Segwa Follow
Hemm 3 verżjonijiet ta' dan is-sinjal. Agħfas il-buttuni hawn taħt biex tara l-istampi, il-kitba u l-vidjows.
There are 3 versions of this sign. Use the butttons below to view the photographs, signwriting and videos.
Hemm tlett sinjali differenti għal SEGWA. L-ewwel sinjal juri persuna waħda ssegwi persuna waħda. Għalhekk, l-idejn li jirrapreżentaw l-persuna jieħdu l-forma ta’ 1 wieqaf u jimxu lejn il-ġenb l-ieħor wara l-id li tieħu ukoll l-forma ta’ 1 wieqaf.
It-tieni sinjal hu dak ta’ KAROZZA SSEGWI KAROZZA OĦRA. L-idejn jieħdu l-forma ta’ 5 dritta u magħluqa imma fuq il-ġenb tas-swaba’
It-tielet sinjal juri li t-tifsira hija dik mhux mistennija u, possibilment mhux mixtieqa, eż., karrozza ssegwi persuna jew grupp isegwi persuna, l-idejn jimxu lejn il-ġenb tal-id mhux dominanti. Hawnhekk 4 jimxu wara 1.
L-id li tirrappreżenta lil dawn il-persuni tieħu l-forma tan-numru 2 ( il-forma ta’ 3 u dik ta’ 4 jirrappreżentaw tlett persuni u erba’ persuni imma l-forma ta’ 5 tirrappreżenta grupp mhux bilfors 5) u tiffunzjona ta’ classifier. L-id li tirrapreżenta min isegwi jimxi wara l-id l-oħra.
Jekk il-moviment huwa mmodifikat, per eżempju, bil-mod, mgħaġġel, fuq ponot subajh, il-moviment tal-id jew tal-idejn jimxu b’mod li jirrifletti dan, bil-mod, mgħaġġel, stirat ’il fuq.
There are different signs for FOLLOW. The first sign shows one person following another. Since only one person is following and only one is being followed, the hands representing the persons take the shape of upright 1 and move to the other side.
The second sign is that for a CAR FOLLOWING CAR. So the handshapes are those of closed 5 lying with palm facing downwards and they function as classifiers for the cars. The hands move to the other side.
The third sign is that of FOUR PERSONS FOLLOWING ONE PERSONS. When more than one person is involved, the hand representing them takes the shape of the number up to 5 (e.g. the shape of 3 represents 3 persons but 5 represents five or more) and act as classifiers. If the meaning is a negative one, e.g. a car following a person or a group following a person, the hands move to side of the dominant hand.
If the movement is modified, for example, slowly, quickly, on tiptoes, the hand movement(s) will reflect this by moving slowly, quickly, or stretched up.