Wirdiena Cockroach
Hemm 2 verżjonijiet ta' dan is-sinjal. Agħfas il-buttuni hawn taħt biex tara l-istampi, il-kitba u l-vidjows.
There are 2 versions of this sign. Use the butttons below to view the photographs, signwriting and videos.
Is-sinjal għal WIRDIENA għandu żewġ varjanti. Fit-tnejn, is-sinjal isir minn id waħda forma ta’ V. Id-driegħ jimtedd għal kollox bil-pala ’l isfel. Waqt li l-id tħaffef min-naħa għall-oħra, is-swaba’ tal-V jitilgħu u jinżlu bil-mod, wieħed jitla’ u l-ieħor jinżel. Fit-tieni varjant il-moviment jgħaġġel ħafna iktar.
Is-sinjal għal ŻGĦIR isir b’id waħda u bis-saba’ l-kbir qrib tal-werrej. Jiġi wara s-sinjal għal WIRDIENA u jindika wirdiena żgħira. Is-sinjal għal KBIR, isir b’id waħda li tieħu l-forma ta’ Ċ miftuħa skond id-daqs mixtieq, jiġi wara s-sinjal għal WIRDIENA u jintuża biex jindika wirdiena kbira.
Għall-plural, l-id fil-forma ta’ X titpoġġa f’punti differenti fiż-żona tas-sinjali qisu hemmhekk qed jitqiegħdu ħafna wirdien. Inkella, jintuża s-sinjal għal ĦAFNA wara s-sinjal għal WIRDIENA.
Meta n-nom WIRDIENA jkun is-suġġett ta’ verb ta’ moviment, l-id forma ta’ X tintuża bħala classifier u timxi skond l-azzjoni tal-verb.
The sign for COCKROACH has two variants. In both, the sign is made with one hand in the shape of V. The arm is in a near horizontal position, palm down. The V fingers move up and down separately, one finger goes up when the other goes down, and slowly whilst the hand moves quickly. In the second variant the movement is faster.
The sign for SMALL is made with one hand, with the thumb close to the index finger and is used after the sign for COCKROACH to refer to a small cockroach. The sign for BIG, made with a C shaped hand, opening according to the desired size, is used after the sign for COCKROACH to refer to a big cockroach.
For the plural, the hand in the shape of X is placed at various points in the signing space as though many cockroaches were being put there. The sign for MANY may be used after the sign for COCKROACH instead.
When the noun COCKROACH is the subject of a verb of movement, the hand, in the shape of X, is used as a classifier and moves according to the action of the verb.