Kunċett Concept Kategorija Category Varjanti Variants
beraq (lightning) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 1
borra (sleet) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 1
ċpar (fog) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 1
ċpar oħxon (thick fog) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 2
ċpar oħxon (thick fog) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 2
dulluvju (torrents of rain) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 1
ħalba silġ (hail) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 2
ħalba silġ (hail) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 2
ħarifa (autumn) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 2
kesħa jew bard (cold weather) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 2
rebbiegħa (spring) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 2
riħ (wind or windy) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 1
sajf (summer) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 1
sajjetti jew ragħad (thunder) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 3
sħab jew msaħħab (clouds or cloudy) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 2
sħab jew msaħħab (clouds or cloudy) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 2
silġ (snow) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 2
staġun (season) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 2
staġun (season) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 2
temp (weather) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 1
tornado (tornado) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 1
tromba (whirlwind) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 1
tsunami (tsunami) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 1
umdità (humidity) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 1
uragan jew tempesta (hurricane or tempest) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 1
xemx (sun) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 1
xita (rain) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 1
xitwa (winter) temp u staġuni (weather and seasons) 1