Kunċett Concept Kategorija Category Varjanti Variants
affettwa (affect) saħħa (health) 1
aġġornament (update) saħħa (health) 1
allerġija (allergy) saħħa (health) 1
anus (anus) saħħa (health) 1
app (app) saħħa (health) 1
appell (appeal) saħħa (health) 1
apprezzament (appreciation) saħħa (health) 1
asesswali (asexual) saħħa (health) 1
assessjar tar-riskji (risk assessment) saħħa (health) 1
attakk tal-qalb (heart attack) saħħa (health) 1
att sesswali (sex) (sexual act (sex)) saħħa (health) 1
awtopsja (autopsy) saħħa (health) 1
awtorità tas-saħħa (health authority) saħħa (health) 1
ażżma (asthma) saħħa (health) 2
ażżma (asthma) (asthma) saħħa (health) 2
bajd (testicles) (testicles) saħħa (health) 1
barrani (foreigner) saħħa (health) 1
bidla (change) saħħa (health) 4
bidu jew ħruġ (launch) saħħa (health) 1
bijoloġija (biology) saħħa (health) 2
bisesswali (bisexual) saħħa (health) 1
broadcasting or media (xandir jew media) saħħa (health) 1
bugħawwieġ (cramp) saħħa (health) 1
bużżieqa tal-awrina (bladder) saħħa (health) 1
ccu or critical care unit (ccu or critical care unit) saħħa (health) 1
ċesarja (caesarian or c- section) saħħa (health) 1
contact cluster (contact cluster) saħħa (health) 1
coronavirus (coronavirus) saħħa (health) 1
dahar (back) saħħa (health) 1
dardir (nausea) saħħa (health) 2
demm (blood) saħħa (health) 1
deni (fever) saħħa (health) 1
deni (temperatura) (temperature (running a)) saħħa (health) 1
dijabete (diabetes) saħħa (health) 1
dijabete (diabetes) saħħa (health) 1
dijabete (diabetes) saħħa (health) 1
dijarea (diarrhoea) saħħa (health) 1
distanza soċjali (social distance) saħħa (health) 1
diżinfettant tal-idejn (hand sanitizer) saħħa (health) 1
driegħ jew dirgħajn (arm(s)) saħħa (health) 1
ekonomija (economy) saħħa (health) 1
emerġenza (emergency) saħħa (health) 1
emikranja (migraine) saħħa (health) 1
eżamina jew check up (examine or check up) saħħa (health) 1
eżami tad-demm (jew eżamina d-demm) (blood test (or tested his or her blood)) saħħa (health) 1
eżami tal-musrana (colon (or intestine) examination) saħħa (health) 1
fejqan jew rkupra (recover or recovery) saħħa (health) 1
firxa globali (global spread) saħħa (health) 1
fiżjoterapista (physiotherapist) saħħa (health) 2
f’perijodu qasir (short term) saħħa (health) 2
f’perijodu qasir (short term) saħħa (health) 2
f’perijodu twil (long term) saħħa (health) 2
f’perijodu twil (long term) saħħa (health) 2
frixa (pancreas) saħħa (health) 1
ftuħ (opening or launch) saħħa (health) 1
fwied (liver) saħħa (health) 1
ġarr il-virus (carrier) saħħa (health) 1
gay (gay) saħħa (health) 1
gay jew omosesswali (gay or homosexual) saħħa (health) 2
ġbin (forehead) saħħa (health) 1
geddum (chin) saħħa (health) 1
għadma (bone) saħħa (health) 1
għadma miksura (broken bone) saħħa (health) 1
għajnejn ħomor (red eyes) saħħa (health) 2
għajn jew għajnejn (eye or eyes) saħħa (health) 2
għajnuna jew assistenza (help or assistance) saħħa (health) 1
għonq (neck) saħħa (health) 1
ġisem (body) saħħa (health) 1
griżmejn (or grieżem) muġugħ(a) (sore throat) saħħa (health) 1
ġurnalist (journalist) saħħa (health) 3
ħabbar (announce) saħħa (health) 1
ħaddejn (cheeks) saħħa (health) 1
ħalq (mouth) saħħa (health) 1
ħu ħsieb (stay safe) saħħa (health) 1
id(ejn) (hand(s)) saħħa (health) 1
id miksura (broken hand) saħħa (health) 2
id miksura (broken hand) saħħa (health) 2
immigrant (immigrant) saħħa (health) 1
impjegati jew staff (employees or staff) saħħa (health) 1
importanti (important) saħħa (health) 1
infetta jew infezzjoni (infect or infection) saħħa (health) 1
inhaler (inhaler) saħħa (health) 1
injezzjoni (injection) saħħa (health) 1
intersess (intersex) saħħa (health) 1
iqum bil-lejl (stays awake at night) saħħa (health) 1
is-sinjal għal għajnuna jew assistenza (help or assistance) saħħa (health) 1
kanċer (cancer) saħħa (health) 2
kanċer (cancer) saħħa (health) 2
każ (case) saħħa (health) 1
kejjel (measure) saħħa (health) 3
kilwa (kidney(s)) saħħa (health) 1
king drag (king drag) saħħa (health) 1
kkonfermat (confirmed) saħħa (health) 1
kkontrollat (contained or under control) saħħa (health) 1
klinika (clinic) saħħa (health) 1
komplikazzjoni (complication) saħħa (health) 1
koxxa (thigh) saħħa (health) 1
kura tas-saħħa primarja (primary health care) saħħa (health) 1
kwarantina (quarantine) saħħa (health) 1
lesbjana (lesbian) saħħa (health) 2
lesbjana (lesbian) saħħa (health) 2
lgbtqa+ (lgbtqa+) saħħa (health) 1
ligament (ligament) saħħa (health) 1
linja telefonika ta’ għajnuna (helpline) saħħa (health) 1
l-ogħla standard (gold standard) saħħa (health) 1
loppju (anaesthetic) saħħa (health) 1
loppju fis-sinsla tad-dahar (epidural) (epidural anaesthetic) saħħa (health) 1
lsien (tongue) saħħa (health) 1
ma jinżilx mis-sodda (bedridden) saħħa (health) 1
mammogram (mammogram) saħħa (health) 1
maskra (mask) saħħa (health) 1
massimu (maximum) saħħa (health) 1
mediċina (medicine) saħħa (health) 1
mexa (walk) saħħa (health) 3
miet jew mewt (die or death) saħħa (health) 1
mingħajr sintomi (asymptomatic) saħħa (health) 1
min iħaddem (employer) saħħa (health) 1
minimu (minimum) saħħa (health) 1
minkeb (elbow) saħħa (health) 1
miżuri jew restrizzjonijiet (measures or restrictions) saħħa (health) 1
mnieħer (nose) saħħa (health) 1
mnieħer joqtor (running nose) saħħa (health) 1
moħħ (brain) saħħa (health) 1
moniteraġġ (monitoring) saħħa (health) 1
mri (magnetic resonance imaging) (mri (magnetic resonance imaging)) saħħa (health) 1
msaren (intestine) saħħa (health) 1
murliti (haemorrhoids) saħħa (health) 1
muskoli (muscles) saħħa (health) 1
musrana l-ħoxna (colon) saħħa (health) 1
nadif (clean) saħħa (health) 2
naqas (decrease) saħħa (health) 1
nazzjonalità (nationality) saħħa (health) 1
ndafa (cleanliness) saħħa (health) 1
neħħa (remove) saħħa (health) 1
nervaturi (nerves) saħħa (health) 1
nħasel (wash oneself) saħħa (health) 1
nifs (breath) saħħa (health) 1
nifs ’il barra (breathing out) saħħa (health) 2
nuqqas (lack) saħħa (health) 1
nxtered jew ttieħed (contagious or spread) saħħa (health) 1
obda (obey) saħħa (health) 2
omosesswali (homosexual) saħħa (health) 1
operazzjoni (operation) saħħa (health) 3
operazzjoni (operation) saħħa (health) 3
pandemija (pandemic) saħħa (health) 1
pandemija (pandemic) saħħa (health) 1
pansesswali (pansexual) saħħa (health) 1
pass pass (one step at a time) saħħa (health) 2
pass pass (one step at a time) saħħa (health) 2
patata (il-warrani) (bottom) saħħa (health) 1
pazjent (patient) saħħa (health) 2
period (period (or menstrual cycle)) saħħa (health) 1
persuna f’kuntatt (contact) saħħa (health) 1
politika jew tattika (policy) saħħa (health) 1
popolazzjoni (population) saħħa (health) 1
post speċifiku (dedicated place) saħħa (health) 1
ppe jew apparat protettiv (ppe or protective apparel) saħħa (health) 2
preparazzjoni (preparation) saħħa (health) 1
pressjoni baxxa (low blood pressure) saħħa (health) 1
pressjoni għolja (high blood pressure) saħħa (health) 1
prijorità (priority) saħħa (health) 1
protezzjoni jew pproteġi (protection or protect) saħħa (health) 1
pulmun (lung) saħħa (health) 1
qalb (heart) saħħa (health) 1
qtar tal-għajnejn (eyedrops) saħħa (health) 1
queen drag (queen drag) saħħa (health) 1
queer (queer) saħħa (health) 1
ras (head) saħħa (health) 2
reġistru (register) saħħa (health) 3
regoli (rules) saħħa (health) 2
remettar (nausea) saħħa (health) 2
resident (resident) saħħa (health) 1
responsabbli (responsible) saħħa (health) 1
riġel (riġlejn) (leg(s)) saħħa (health) 1
riħ (cold) saħħa (health) 3
riħ xott (dry cold) saħħa (health) 1
riskju (risk) saħħa (health) 1
riżultat (result) saħħa (health) 1
rkoppa (knee) saħħa (health) 1
saħħa pubblika (public health) saħħa (health) 1
sala fi sptar jew ward (ward) saħħa (health) 2
saqaf tal-ħalq (palate or roof of mouth) saħħa (health) 1
segwa jew obda l-miżuri (abide by the measures) saħħa (health) 1
servizz tat-trasport (transport services) saħħa (health) 1
sider (breast) saħħa (health) 1
sieq (saqajn) (foot (feet)) saħħa (health) 1
sigurtà (safety) saħħa (health) 1
sintomi (symptoms) saħħa (health) 1
sinus (sinus) saħħa (health) 1
sitwazzjoni (situation) saħħa (health) 1
skeletru (skeleton) saħħa (health) 1
slipped disc (slipped disc) saħħa (health) 1
snien (teeth) saħħa (health) 1
soċjali (social) saħħa (health) 1
sogħla (cough) saħħa (health) 1
sogħla xotta (dry cough) saħħa (health) 1
soluzzjoni (solution) saħħa (health) 1
spalla (spallejn) (shoulder(s)) saħħa (health) 1
spiżerija (pharmacy) saħħa (health) 2
sptar (hospital) saħħa (health) 3
sptar (hospital) saħħa (health) 3
sptar karen grech (karen grech hospital) saħħa (health) 1
sptar mater dei (mater dei hospital) saħħa (health) 1
sptar privat (private hospital) saħħa (health) 1
statistika (statistics) saħħa (health) 1
stħarriġ jew survey (survey) saħħa (health) 1
stonku (stomach) saħħa (health) 1
straight (straight) saħħa (health) 1
strument (instrument) saħħa (health) 1
strument bil-video (instrument with video) saħħa (health) 1
suffejra (jaundice) saħħa (health) 1
supretendent (superintendent) saħħa (health) 1
suspett (suspicion) saħħa (health) 1
swab (swab) saħħa (health) 1
swaba' (fingers) saħħa (health) 1
tabib (doctor) saħħa (health) 2
telf (loss) saħħa (health) 2
temporanju (temporary) saħħa (health) 2
temporanju (temporary) saħħa (health) 2
termometru (thermometer) saħħa (health) 1
test (test) saħħa (health) 1
tnedija (launch or opening) saħħa (health) 1
togħma (taste) saħħa (health) 2
traċċar tal-kuntatt (contact tracing) saħħa (health) 1
transġeneru (transgender) saħħa (health) 1
ttestja negattiv (test negative) saħħa (health) 1
ttestja pożittiv (test positive) saħħa (health) 1
tunsilli (tonsils) saħħa (health) 1
turisti (tourists) saħħa (health) 1
uġigħ tad-dar (fuq) (upper back pain) saħħa (health) 1
uġigħ tad-dar (isfel) (lower back pain) saħħa (health) 1
uġigħ ta' ras (headache) saħħa (health) 2
uġigħ ta’ ras (headache) saħħa (health) 2
ultrasound (ultrasound) saħħa (health) 1
ultrasound 3d (ultrasound 3d) saħħa (health) 1
ultrasound 4d (ultrasound 4d) saħħa (health) 1
umanitarjaniżmu (humanitarianism) saħħa (health) 1
vaċċin jew injezzjoni (vaccine or injection) saħħa (health) 1
vaġina (vagina) saħħa (health) 1
ventilatur (ventilator) saħħa (health) 1
vettura tat-testijiet tal-covid (mobile unit for covid testing) saħħa (health) 1
virus (virus) saħħa (health) 1
visor (visor) saħħa (health) 1
voluntier (volunteer) saħħa (health) 1
vulnerabbli (vulnerable) saħħa (health) 1
ward (l-isptar) (ward) saħħa (health) 2
widna (ear) saħħa (health) 1
xamm (sense of smell) saħħa (health) 1
x-ray (x-ray) saħħa (health) 2
x-ray (x-ray) saħħa (health) 2
żieda (increase) saħħa (health) 1
żobb (penis) saħħa (health) 1
żvilupp (development) saħħa (health) 1